Hobart Herd Devotional – Psalms 70

Hobart Herd Devotional – Psalms 70

   In the hustle and bustle of our world, we often find it hard to find adequate time alone with the Lord.  I am glad that the Lord hears my cry when I need a quick answer of help and deliverance from Him.  I know that it sounds terrible that the Pastor finds it hard spend the time I should with the Lord, but I am a sinner in need of God’s forgiveness and grace just like everyone else.  I have found some of my most effective prayers have been the quick cries for help and rescue to the Lord on the spur of the moment. 

   This is an easy Psalm to diagnose and understand as it has 2 essential parts.  The first 3 verses are a cry to the Lord to come quickly.  The cry to the Lord to come quickly brings 2 truths into play.  First of all there is an immediate need for rescue and salvation, and secondly there is the excitement and anticipation that God will act quickly on our behalf.  I have known times when I waited patiently on God’s timing to reveal His grace and answer to my prayers.  I have also known times when God has answered almost before the prayer was out of my mouth.  God knows when we are at the crossroads of our troubles and He knows when to grow us through patience, and when we need to hear from Him NOW!  I can trust that the God Who knows all things can answer immediately, or give me strength to hold on. 

   I love verse 3: “May those who say to me, “Aha! Aha!” turn back because of their shame.”(NIV)  I have faced times when others have said, “aha, aha”, where is your God now?  I have seen God embarrass them as He answers quickly and in perfect timing to destroy their smug comments.  My answer in those moments is found in verse 4: “But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who love your salvation always say, “Let God be exalted!”(NIV)  I am often tempted to stick out my tongue and make some snide remark back, but the real answer is one of rejoicing and gladness as I glorify and exalt the God of my salvation.

   Never be afraid to come to the Lord quickly and confidently when we need to hear from Him in a powerful and timely manner.  He knows and can answer before we even come to Him in desperation.

   Father, I am truly like a child who runs to You only when I am in dire circumstances.  I try all my own tricks in my own strength and then cry help when I truly need You.  Thank You for being there and knowing my situation before I cry out to You.  Thank You for knowing the perfect answer in perfect timing with Your will for my life.  May I never forget to rejoice, glorify and exalt Your name on high!  In Jesus Name, Amen!  Pastor Rob