Hobart Herd Devotionals – Psalms 111-113

Hobart Herd Devotional – Psalms 111-113

   Both Psalms 111 – 112 are acrostic Psalms, using the Hebrew alphabet to help us remember to praise and worship the Lord together.  I don’t know Hebrew, but it would be like singing the abc’s with my grandson in a way that reminds him to worship the Lord with his whole heart.  ABCDEFG-Jesus died for you and me, HIJKLMN-Jesus died for sinful men, amen.  OPQRSTU-I believe God’s Word is true, V&W-God has promised you, XYZ-a home eternally.  Oh how important it is to worship the Lord with our whole heart and study His works and His Word, delighting and worshiping Him together.(vs. 1-2)  During this time when being together has been hard to do, we need to find ways to celebrate, worship, study, ponder and encourage each other together.  This may have to happen online, or in small groups, but we need each other!

   In verses 3-7 we worship His glory and majesty because we have seen His righteousness never fails; His wonders reveal His grace and mercy to us; His provision reveals His faithfulness to His covenant with us; His power is revealed in giving and blessing us as a nation; His justice and goodness is revealed by the trustworthiness of His commandments and word.  There are so many reasons to worship and glorify the Lord together that we can never do it enough!  I know that I need to be around God’s people, in fellowship and worship, in learning and growing, in encouragement and prayer for each other.  All of this happens in the Body of Christ as we worship Him in Spirit and Truth together.

   All of God’s works and words are given to us in faithfulness and righteousness, and we are expected to worship and obey them in faithfulness and integrity before the Lord.(vs. 8)  Our worship should resound because of His redemption of His children and His eternal covenant of salvation with us.  Holy and Awesome is His name!.(vs. 9)

There is a worship chorus that is singing in my heart as I read these words, “I Stand in Awe of You!” by Hillsong. 

You are beautiful beyond description

Too marvelous for words

Too wonderful for comprehension

Like nothing ever seen or hear

Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom

Who can fathom the depths of Your love

You are beautiful beyond description

Majesty enthroned above

And I stand, I stand in awe of You

I stand, I stand in awe of You

Holy God to whom all praise is due

I stand in awe of You!

   Father, today I want to worship You with my whole heart.  Together with those who love You I want to join and lift my voice and heart in adoration and worship.  Thank You for the local body of believers You have given me to join in worship.  May I never take for granted Who You are and What You have done for me.  In Jesus Name, Amen!  Pastor Rob

Psalms 112

   While Psalms 111 concentrates on the worship and honor we give to the Lord, Psalms 112 brings out the benefits and blessings of those who worship, seek and glorify the Lord with their hearts.  When I find great delight in His word and commands, He is able to bless me with the desires of my heart because we are lock step in purpose and praise!(Psalms 37:4-7)  The Hebrew for “Praise the Lord” is the word Hallelujah!  So as you read Psalms 111, 112, 113, you should say to the Lord, “Hallelujah”!  In the midst of my struggles in this world, I need to be reminded that my first words to my Lord should always be, Hallelujah! 

   As I read verses 2-4, I am reminded of my greatest blessing on this earth outside of my relationship with the Lord, my family!  I think I am the richest man in the world because of the wife, children, and grandchildren that God has blessed me with.  Outside of the wonder and awe at God’s love in sending His Son to save me, is the wonder of the blessings of my wife and family.  While everything is not perfect in our family, I can see the Lord’s hand at work in all of our lives.  When I am having a bad day, all I need to start the “Hallelujah’s” again is to hear the voice of my family, especially my grandchildren!  What a joy to see and know the love of the Lord at work in the lives of my family.  Psalms 112:4  Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for the gracious and compassionate and righteous man.(NIV)

   There are promises of goodness, steadfastness, and security that comes to those who worship the Lord from the heart.(vs. 5-8)  It doesn’t say that there will be no bad news or problems, but I am reminded that I don’t live my life in fear of the bad news and troubles that this world brings into my life.  My heart can remain strong because I am trusting in the Lord and laying my life in His hands.  How good it is to be able to trust in the strength and security I have in Jesus Christ!

   When I live my life to share and give the gifts God has given me to others, He promises to bring righteousness and honor into my life.(vs. 9)  I have to confess that I enjoy the vexation of my enemies through the blessings of the Lord’s goodness in my life.(vs. 10)  The testimony of a life lived in praise and glory to God drives the enemy crazy. 

   Father, thank You for the great blessings You have brought into my life.  “I worship You, Almighty God, there is none like You!”  I receive joy from the relationship that I have in Christ, and the blessings I receive are the frosting on the cake!  Help my life to be a living testimony of Your great love.  In Jesus Name, Amen!  Pastor Rob

Psalms 113

   What time is it?  It is time to praise the Lord!  I needed this reminder as I go through this tremulous and troublesome time in our world.  When I learn to praise the Lord in everything, I start to have victory over my thoughts, emotions and actions.  “Praise the Lord, He can work through those who praise Him!  Praise the Lord, for our God inhabits praise.”   The chorus of this popular song reminds me that the chains of this troublesome world are powerless to those who continually live in worship and honor of our Great God.  His presence is always evident in the hearts of praise and worship. (vs. 1-3) 

   Verses 4-6 remind me that there is nothing that compare to my Glorious God!  The word “exalted” means to be lifted up, raised to the highest plane.  When I realize that my God and Savior is exalted above and thing, power, or problem, I am able to rise above my own problems and issues.  When I think that God stoops to be their for me, I get a picture of how much He loves and cares for me.(vs. 6)  The amazing part is that He doesn’t “stoop” to look and laugh at my issues, but He stoops to lift me up and out of my sin and shame.  As a boy, I learned to hate the fiery red ants that would crawl up my pants and leave big red welts.  I soon learned that you could take a magnifying glass and burn and torture these pests.  I even would take fire crackers and blow up the ant hills trying to get rid of them.  When God stoops to look at us, He does so with love, mercy, grace and forgiveness; always wanting to lift us out of the ash heap of our life and into His presence as His sons and daughters.  When we put our trust in Christ and ask forgiveness for our sins, believing in His salvation, we become God’s children, joint heirs of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

    Psalms 113:7-9, 7    He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; 8   he seats them with princes, with the princes of their people. 9 He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the LORD.(NIV)  The beautiful promise of this picture is so special.  Today and everyday is the time to praise the Lord as we live in His love and power.  He is there for you!  He is there for me! 

   Father, the fact that You stooped in love to rescue and save me is beyond my comprehension.  The only thing I can do is trust and worship You today and everyday of my life.  Hallelujah, He stooped for me!  Praise the Lord!  In Jesus Name I pray, Amen!  Pastor Rob