Kevin & Yulia Brubaker



Advancing the Gospel

We’d like to introduce you to a ministry that Kevin is helping
to lead within BMW called “Advance.”
An initiative pioneered by a BMW missionary, Advance has
created partnerships with 10 indigenous church networks in or
near highly persecuted countries. Working in partnership with
these networks, Advance helps support the cost of sending missionary church planters into dangerous areas often closed to Americans.

Currently, Advance is partnering to send 67 missionaries into 11 closed access countries. The results have been remarkable, with thousands turning to Christ and many churches being planted over the last decade.
Our goal in the next five years is to double the number of missionaries we are partnering to send. We are also looking to create new partnerships in countries Advance does not yet serve.

Kevin’s role in this team is as the director, overseeing the
general operations of this initiative. We also have regional directors who work directly with our national partners and a teammate who specializes in helping national churches develop business ventures that will
produce profits which are used to make missions efforts more sustainable.

How can you be a part of the team?
• We need support from those who will pray for the efforts
of Advance and especially for the missionaries who are
putting their lives on the line for the sake of the gospel.
• We need those who will give to support missionaries being
sent to countries closed to the gospel. To give, go here:
• We need those who can connect us with church networks
in closed and creative access countries who can be partners
with Advance.

Other Ministry Updates
Our friends in our past ministry report that their churches are doing well,
all things considered. Please pray for our pastor friend and others who work with the network of churches we were serving. Especially pray that young couples will take the initiative to serve churches that need a pastor and to start new churches.

The BMW Home Office is a destination for Kevin several times a
year. His biggest current task at the home office is heading up
the financial statement audit which will soon take place.

Central Bible Church continues to grow and become more
healthy. We had 200+ at our recent Easter Egg Hunt and have
had some new visitors at church from the community as a result. An internal renovation of the facilities is also in progress
and we are looking forward to new carpet and paint very soon.
Yulia continues to work with International students at Sound
Christian Academy and is enjoying her work. Nearly all of these
students don’t know Christ and she gets to teach them the Bible
every day , serve their host families and help them with many of
their other needs.
Our kids are doing well. They are all getting good grades and
making friends in school. Val and Phil have participated in Gymnastics at the YMCA and Phil also swims and plays soccer. Dan will start his second middle school track season soon.

We all enjoyed a week in Central Oregon during Spring Break—a really
good week for our family. AND we moved from an apartment
to a rental house. Valerie is very happy with her own room and
we are enjoying a backyard for the first time in 6 years.

 Thanks for praying for us and our Ministry! We love what we are doing!
~Kevin and Yulia