Hobart Herd Devotionals – Proverbs 31 – 3-31-20

Hobart Herd Devotional – Proverbs 31 – 3-31-20

   This chapter seems hard to apply personally, because it spends most of the chapter describing the perfect woman, wife, and mother.  If I was a woman, I would be appalled at the descriptions and feel like it would take a perfect super woman to fulfill all the descriptions found in the chapter.  However, when I see that this was written to a King by his mother to guide him in making wise decisions in his life as a leader and husband, I can receive a lot from this as the Spirt points things out. 

   I want to say from the start that I so appreciate and love the wife that the Lord gave me.  Ruth has been and continues to be a gift from God and I am blessed everyday by her heart of service and love for the Lord and her family.  She truly is a wife who is more precious than jewels! 

   Most of the virtues in this passage could and should be applied to my life and service.  I should live in such a way as to be faithful in serving those I love with the willing, loving, caring and wise ways that are mentioned.  I should live as such an example that my family, friends, and even my enemies take notice of God’s blessing on my life.  Everything I do should bring praise and glory to God as I faithfully apply His word to my life.  I know I fall far short of living these virtues before others.  I do not live in the fear and honor of the Lord, bringing Him glory by my attitudes and actions the way I should. 

   Father forgive me for not seeking Your wisdom in my decisions; for not living in honoring reverence of Who You are.  Your have blessed me beyond measure with the wife and family that I don’t deserve.  Help me to serve You in such a way that they are blessed and give glory and honor to You.  Thank you for Your faithfulness even when I fall short in my attitudes and actions.  May your will be done in my life and family so that others might glorify Your name. In Jesus Name, Amen.   Pastor Rob