Hobart Herd Devotional – Proverbs 7 – 4-7-20

Hobart Herd Devotional – Proverbs 7 – 4-7-20

   This chapter tells the story of how we are drawn by lust into making bad decisions.  Much like Chapter 5, that deals with a young man falling prey to a harlot, this chapter deals with being drawn into a relationship with an adulteress.  The difference being that this is a married woman who in her loneliness seeks out a lover and entices him to enter an intimate relationship, in spite of her marriage vows. 

   We have the similar words of wisdom being offered in verses 1-3, “keep my words and treasure up my commandments with you; keep my commandments and live; keep my teaching as the apple of your eye; bind them on your finger; write them on the tablet of your heart.”(ESV)  Some of the words that spoke to me are: treasure my commandments; keep my teaching as the apple of your eye.  The Jewish people would literally bind copies of God’s Word on their head, hearts, hands and clothing.  The problem is that an outward expression of keeping God’s Word close does not mean that we treasure and keep them as the apple of your eye.  In fact, sometimes it just means that we want people to “think” that we are serious about God’s Word when we really are after men’s approval and public opinion.  The real problem comes when we don’t allow the truth of God’s Word to travel the 18 inches from the head to the heart. 

   The foolish young man keeps passing by her house in the dark hours, listening to her call and seeing her provocative dress.  She is so bold as to grab him and kiss him drawing him into her web of sensual deceit.  When we hang out and deliberately put ourselves in places of temptation, it is no wonder we fall in sinful and inappropriate relationships.  We have vivid word pictures describing the fall into sin; an ox goes to the slaughter, a stag caught fast until the arrow pierces it, a bird that rushes into a snare (22-23).  These lead to enslavement to lust and eventually spiritual death. 

   Are we treasuring God’s Word as the apple of our eyes?  Are we hanging around the sinful lusts and snares of this world of sin?  Know the end in store for those who ignore God’s Words and commands.  Also know that Jesus has provided a way for sin to be forgiven as we confess and repent (turn from) sin to Him in faith believing that the blood He shed on the cross has paid for my sin and opened the door to new life, eternal life in Him. 

   Father, thank you for the power of Your word and commands.  Forgive me for hanging around, and purposefully walking down the streets of temptation instead of treasuring Your words as the apple of my eye.  I trust in the power of Lord’s cleansing blood and forgiveness.  Help me to rely on Your Spirit to keep Your commands and words on my heart and mind in such a way that I will be led away from the paths of sin and into the joy and peace of following You.  May You receive glory from my life as is seeks to follow Your Word.  In Jesus Name, Amen.  Pastor Rob