Hobart Herd – Proverbs 8 – 4-8-20

Hobart Herd – Proverbs 8 – 4-8-20

   There is a huge contrast between the seductive adulterer of Proverbs 7 and the truth sharing Wisdom that God has given us.  In verses 6-9 we find: “Hear, for I will speak noble things, and from my lips will come what is right, 7  for my mouth will utter truth;  wickedness is an abomination to my lips. 8  All the words of my mouth are righteous; there is nothing twisted or crooked in them. 9  They are all straight to him who understands, and right to those who find knowledge.”(ESV) 

   The rest of the chapter talks of wisdom as a person and gives us the picture of Wisdom being founded before the universe. God is before time, and Wisdom is an attribute from God, Himself.  We are told of the supreme value of wisdom and the ability that wisdom has to bring the riches, honor, enduring wealth and righteousness of God on our lives.  We are told of God’s love for those who love and seek His wisdom diligently, and the promise that we will find Him and His wisdom. (vs. 17)

   The verses that spoke to me today are verse 34-35.  “Blessed is the one who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting beside my doors. 35  For whoever find me finds life and obtains favor from the LORD”.(ESV)  Sometimes when I read God’s words of wisdom I am not really listening.  My mind is whirling with all the things I need to get done today, and I miss out on the warnings and encouragements that the wisdom of His Word can bring into my life.  I am not really watching daily and waiting diligently in anticipation for God’s Word to speak through His Spirit the wisdom I need for my life.  I need to be reminded that finding God’s wisdom brings me the life and favor that the LORD wants to give me for every moment of every day.  I truly want the wisdom, favor and life that He provides!

   Father, I recognize that You want me to live and walk in Your wisdom in such a way that my life is blessed and those around me are led to seek You and Your wisdom for their lives.  I ask for forgiveness for not being attentive to Your Spirit and Your Word as it seeks to bring Your wisdom into my daily life.  Help me Lord to focus on Your truth and live in the streets the wisdom of God.  Truly You bless me with Your wisdom, favor and life.  May You receive honor and glory from my life as I seek diligently to Listen, Walk, and Live in You!  In Jesus name, AMEN!   Pastor Rob