Hobart Herd Devotional -Proverbs 13 – 4-13-20

Hobart Herd Devotional – Proverbs 13 – 4-13-20

   Often in the book of Proverbs there is a connection between those who are rich because of wisdom and the opposite being those who are poor because of foolish choices and action.  However in this chapter we find the truth about riches.  You can be rich in money and be a fool in life and you can be poor as church mice and be rich in many aspects of life.  Proverbs 13:8-12, 8    A man’s riches may ransom his life, but a poor man hears no threat. 9  The light of the righteous shines brightly, but the lamp of the wicked is snuffed out. 10        Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice. 11      Dishonest money dwindles away, but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow. 12         Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.(NIV) 

   These verses tell us that the amount of money we have can be a benefit, but it is really the wisdom of God found in the righteous heart and acts of a person that makes the real difference.  In our lives we have those who seem to be able to make money easily and those that continually struggle to have wealth.  All of us should be rich in the Lord regardless of the money in our bank account.  The Light of the Lord and His righteousness living in us should always be seen by others around us shining brightly and joyously.  The integrity that we use in our walk is the real mark of someone who is rich in the Lord and His wisdom.  I am also reminded in verse 10 that my pride can get in the way of God’s wisdom and I need to always be ready to take the advice of the wise even when it hurts.

   The verse that really stuck out to me in the struggles of today is verse 12.  The Blessed Hope we have in Christ is the fuel of our faith.  As we go through this time of separation and being alone, we can begin to lose our hope because it is deferred for a long time, especially when we are not able to receive the encouragement  and love of our church family and friends.  I know that I struggle with not seeing everyone.  Yesterday was a special celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord. Most Easter celebrations are surrounded by a special church service followed by great food, Easter egg hunts and fun for the kids and all of us together.  We were able to “zoom” the whole family together at our Easter dinner, 14 of us were able to see each other online and share the joy of Easter together.  It wasn’t the same as normal, but it kept the hope alive of everyone being together.  It was the celebration of the hope we have in the Resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ that provides us with the faith that one day when the Lord returns and takes us to be with Him, we will all be together and never separated again. 

   Find ways to make sure that your hope is found in the Lord and that you see the light of His presence and joy.  Find ways to be that word of encouragement and joy in the lives of those around you whose hope has been deferred for far too long.  Call, write, send a text or email, facetime, Facebook, Message, Instagram, Twitter, etc., some how be the encouragement and joy of the Lord to those you miss and love. You may be used by the Lord to keep Hope and Faith alive until the Lord returns. 

   Father, thank You for the blessing of Your wisdom and the riches that we have in Christ regardless of our bank account.  Help me to walk in Your wisdom with integrity and honesty.  I pray today that we might shine the light of Your love and grace to those around us with the joy of our salvation found in the resurrection power of the Lord.  May the encouragement of our blessed hope in Christ keep faith strong in our lives and the lives of those around us.  In Jesus Name, Amen!  Pastor Rob