Hobart Herd Devotional – Proverbs 14 – 4-14-20

Hobart Herd Devotional Proverbs 14 – 4-14-20

   Sorry everyone, I forgot to post this yesterday.  I sometimes get busy and forget that I haven’t sent the devotional out.  Yesterday was a great day surprising family in Everett with some balloons and flowers in celebration.  We kept our distancing, but still able to leave something at the door and stand next to the car and talk for about 15 minutes.  Finding ways to keep the love flowing is challenging but fun!

   Proverbs 14 is and interesting chapter hard to come up with a theme as it seems to jump all over the place.  However, you can’t read the chapter without verse 12 sticking out.  I am sure we have heard pastors and teachers quote this verse at some point.  “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end Is the way to death.” 

I have mentioned this before in my preaching and teaching.  We are continually told to follow our hearts.  Proverbs does a great job of reminding us that are hearts are desperately wicked!  This verse reminds me of why I need to trust in the Lord with all my heart and not lean on my own understanding.  So many times I get frustrated with the paths and ways that God takes me through.  I think to myself that if God would just work the way I planned, things would be a whole lot better and faster.  I need to be reminded that my way is the way of death!  My sinful heart and ways blind me to the cliff that I am headed towards with my own direction and strength.

   I was talking to someone on the phone yesterday and they reminded me of a quote they remembered from Roy Sprague.  He may have got it from somewhere, but it stuck in their mind as being from a retreat that Roy spoke at.  “Sin will take you farther then you want to go and cost you more than you want to pay.”  I need to be reminded of my “stinkin thinkin” and the tricky ways that sin still tries to control me. 

   Father, thank You for being a loving Father that keeps me from the disaster of my wayward heart and mind.  Forgive me when I think that I know better then the God of the universe.  Please continue to keep my heart from seeking evil and my ways from leading me to destruction.  I want to walk in Your wisdom and way today.  In Jesus name Amen!  Pastor Rob