Hobart Herd Devotional – Proverbs 21 – 4-21-20

Hobart Herd Devotional – Proverbs 21 – 4-21-20

   One of the greatest words of encouragement to my heart today is that God is in control.  As I see the struggles and fears of this world, I am strengthened in my faith that God knows what He is doing and has a plan through it all.  Verses 1-3, “The king’s heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord; he turns it wherever he pleases.

2 People may think they are doing what is right, but the Lord examines the heart.

3 The Lord is more pleased when we do what is just and right than when we give him sacrifices.”(NLT)  No matter who is the leader in this world, God controls his heart and can make God’s plan and kingdom happen.  The Lord knows the heart and intents of every action of man, He alone will be the Righteous Judge of all our thoughts and actions.  If I want to please the Lord, I need to obey His Word in justice and righteousness.  Others can be bought with bribes or platitudes, but the Lord knows our hearts and motives. 

   Another truth that is found throughout the book of Proverbs is the joy of finding a good wife and the pain of living with a contentious, crabby, or complaining wife.(vs. 9, 19)  How great is it to have the wife of our dreams and live in the joy and contentment of love and fellowship together.  I get a kick out of the idea of Man sheds or She Sheds, especially during this time of forced togetherness.  What a privilege to enjoy and appreciate time together with each other, loving and serving the Lord together. 

   Not only is it great to know that God is in control and He has blessed me with a wife that I truly enjoy spending time with; it is great to know that Victory belongs to the Lord.  I love the great hymn, Victory in Jesus!  Isn’t it marvelous to know that the Lord has brought us into a Victorious life, eternal life in Jesus Christ!  Man can scheme and plan against the Lord, he may even have the greatest weaponry known to man; but in the end nothing can stand against my Mighty Savior, and nothing can separate me from His Victory and Love!

   Father, I rejoice today in knowing that no matter what happens in this world, YOU ARE IN CONTROL!  Forgive me for the times I become anxious, worried, frustrated and upset by the fears of this world.  Help me to never lose sight of the victory I have been granted through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Thank you again for my wife and the love and joy that we share together in You.  May You help me to live in the victory and love You have given me moment by moment and may You receive all the glory from my life in Christ.  In Jesus name, Amen!  Pastor Rob