Hobart Herd Devotional – Psalms 4 – 4-30-20

Have you ever been maligned by people, your words twisted and turned into lies that bring shame and tears.  David was led by God to write this Psalm, a song from the heart with musical instruments to share the pain of being stabbed in the back and destroyed by men you thought were your friends and supporters.  However, David never lost faith in God, even though he struggled with the pain of it all. 

   In verse 1, we see David call on His righteous God, who brought relief in distress and grace in hearing his prayer.  David knew that the Lord has “set apart the godly for Himself;” and listens when and hears when they cry and call out to Him.(vs. 3)  Maybe the verse that stood out to me the most in this Psalm is verses 4-5; “Be angry, and do not sin; ponder in your own hearts on your beds, and be silent.  Selah   Offer right sacrifices, and put your trust in the LORD.”(ESV)  Oh, how angry I get when someone is doing me wrong!  My heart is usually controlled by the thought of getting even, or saying things about my enemies that will devastate and destroy them.  I cannot keep silent and just let things go.  And in so doing my heart of worship towards God is ruined and my trust in Him is set aside.  How the Lord would love to step in and set things right.  But He cannot be a part of the anger and sinful thoughts and actions that go on in our selfish battles.  Oh that I would learn to trust Him and allow Him to set things straight. 

   The blessings of joy and peace in the Lord are worth far more than any get even plot I can make up to bring temporary satisfaction when someone who has done me wrong.   I truly want to enjoy the peace and safety that comes from being in right relationship with God no matter what man may do or say against me.(vs. 6-8) 

   Father, I ask forgiveness for trying to take things into my own hand when struggling against those who would gossip and slander against me.  I know my first response is anger and doing and saying things back against them.  I ruin the relationship of trust and righteousness that I have with You and lose Your power and joy in the process.  Thank you for giving me Your grace in forgiveness, and allowing me to return to the peace and safety that Your love provides for me.  May I learn to rest in the promises of Your Word and trust that You will set things straight.  In Jesus Name, Amen! Pastor Rob