Hobart Herd Devotional – Psalms 3 – 4-29-20

Hobart Herd Devotional – Psalms 3 – 4-29-20

   It is thought by most that David wrote Psalms 3 when he was on the run from his son, Absalom.  The name Absalom means, “father of peace”.  What a name given to someone who tried to kill his own father and take over the throne of Israel.  Can you imagine David’s heart when he has to run for his life from the capital city of Jerusalem and hide out from his own son.  One morning he is a king sitting on his throne, and the next he is a king on the run as his son has persuaded many of the leaders and people of Israel that David needs to be removed and killed. 

   We all know that David was anointed by Samuel as King over Israel and David was the greatest king Israel ever had.  He defeated their enemies, established their capital city by taking Jerusalem, he encouraged and led that nation in their worship of God, and David covenanted with God that his throne would be forever.  Jesus from the lineage of David will eventually rule and reign over all the earth from the very throne of David.  This covenant with God was part of our salvation and would be kept and proven by Jesus in His first coming and fulfilled in full by the Lord’s second coming.  So when this revolution and takeover was done by Absalom, David’s faith was tested in the most devastating way ever. 

   What blesses my heart is to see how David responds before God when these terrible times fall upon him.  Psalms 3:3 But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.(KJV)  When the greatest heart breaking events happened, David knew that the Lord was His shield, would protect his glory and lift up his head.  We sing a worship chorus that comes from this verse, and we will sing it this Sunday for church.  We, like David have been made by faith a part of God’s family.  We can truly trust that no matter what happens around us, we have a God Who is our shield and will bring glory in lifting our heads from the heart breaking things that happen to us.  When David cried out to the Lord, the Lord heard him, gave him rest and sustained him through all of this devastating pain.(vs. 4)  David knew that no matter how many tens of thousands turned against him, God was on His side and His salvation was sure and true.  O that we would trust in the Lord with this kind of faith.  You can cry out to Him in the midst of your most horrific struggle and know that God will be your Shield of protection and will bring glory, lifting your head from despair through it all.

   Father, What a wonderful God You are.  When You make a promise, You are faithful to keep it.  When we are included in the New Covenant of Jesus blood through faith, You are truly our Salvation and Shield!  May I always know that You are there for me in my darkest hour, and may You lift my head in faith as I watch You turn everything around for Your glory.  May You receive all the glory from my life in everything that happens.  In Jesus Name, AMEN!  Pastor Rob