Hobart Herd Devotional – Psalms 9 – 5-6-20

Hobart Herd Devotional – Psalms 9 – 5-6-20

   Although the details of this Psalms history is uncertain, most think that it was written as a praise and worship song for the Lord’s deliverance and victory for David from the surrounding enemies.  It may have been in celebration of the death of Goliath and the defeat of the Philistines.  The title says that it was to be sung to the tune of “The Death of a Son”, whatever that means.  Another fact that I did not know until reading and studying this Psalm as that Psalms 9 & 10 are one Psalm in the Septuagint.  Each phrase of these 2 Psalms starts with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet.  However, there does seem to be a different feel as Psalm 10 is more of a Psalm about the individual and Psalm 9 talks more of the nations.  We will look at them separately. 

   This Psalm starts off as a Psalm of praise and worship thanking God with all our hearts for the wonders of God and His Most High Name.  The thought continues as there is praise and recognition of God as a Just and righteous God Who has dealt with David’s enemies in righteous judgment.  Many of the surrounding nations harassed and attacked the Israelites, and God used David to bring them to justice and destroyed those that turned against His people.  It is a reminder that God does bring Justice on those that turn against Him, His Word and His People! 

   The key verses that spoke to my heart in my devotional studies today were: Psalms 9:9-10, 9    The LORD also will be a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble, 10      And those who know Thy name will put their trust in Thee; for Thou, O LORD, hast not forsaken those who seek Thee.(NAS)  What words of promise and strength as David learned that God was there for Him.  I know in today’s world there are many days where it seems as if every circumstance and everyone seems to be an enemy of oppression.  The discouragement and division of our nation during this terrible virus really weighs on my heart.  It seems impossible to know the truth as to what is really going on, but it is great to know that the Lord is my Stronghold and Strength in times of trouble.  When I put my trust in Him, I can count on the fact that He will not forsake or forget me as I seek Him.  Are you discouraged today?  Let the Lord be your stronghold and strength as you trust and seek Him. 

   Father, thank You for being my Stronghold and Strength in time of trouble.  I know that I let the enemies of this world take my joy and I fail to worship You for Who You are.  Help me to trust in You when it seems everything and everyone is against me.  I truly do know that You will not forget or forsake me when I truly seek You with all my heart.  Keep me trusting and standing in Your Strength!  In Jesus Name, Amen!  Pastor Rob