Hobart Herd Devotional – Proverbs 15 – 4-15-20

Hobart Herd Devotional – Proverbs 15 – 4-15-20

   This chapter reminds me of the power of the tongue to lift and encourage or tear down and destroy.  Many of the verses in this chapter talk about our lips, mouth, or tongue.  Verse 1 reminds me, “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”  I was riding with my wife yesterday and like most husbands doing some backseat driving.  It wasn’t long until my voice was raised in fear and frustration only to be reminded that my words were not helping but driving her crazy. 

   How many times has a kind soft word brought encouragement and peace to your life in a situation where frustration, discouragement and anger were just a step away.  The first couple of weeks of this “stay at home” time we all were taking on the challenge of doing this for everyone’s good.  You could go shopping and everyone was kind and considerate in lines.  Now after being locked up together for weeks on end and with no end in sight, I find myself being short, impatient and selfish, making comments under my breath about the “crazy people” that I have to put up with in life!

I find myself speaking and acting like the wicked sinner instead of a child of God.

   In verses 29-30 I am told, “The LORD is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayer of the righteous.  30  The light of the eyes rejoices the heart, and good news refreshes the bones.  I need the Lord to hear my prayers and many times my mouth reflects a wicked heart and asking for forgiveness is the first prayer the Lord will hear from my lips.  I really do want to be the person God can use to rejoice others hearts and bring the refreshment of good news to their bones. 

   Father, thank You that You hear my prayers, not because I am such a good guy, but because of the cleansing power of the blood of You Son, Jesus.  I need to ask forgiveness for the way I allow Satan and sin to control my mouth, mind and actions.  Help me by Your Spirit to be the soft answer that can be used by You to bring joy and refreshment to the lives of those around me.  May this start in my home and extend to those you bring into my path.  In Jesus name, Amen!  Pastor Rob